Mastering Kotlin Coroutines – Part 1

Lets understand basic concept behind Program, process and thread. Program: A program is a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task or a set of tasks. Process: A…

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WorkManager in Android

In Android, WorkManager is a powerful library used for managing background tasks that need to run asynchronously. It provides a flexible and reliable solution for tasks that need to be…


Modern guide to app architecture

Common architectural principles As Android apps grow in size, it's important to define an architecture that allows the app to scale, increases the app's robustness, and makes the app easier…


lateinit vs lazy in Kotlin

Both lateinit and lazy are features in Kotlin used to delay the initialization of properties, but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics. Let's discuss each: ateinit: Purpose: lateinit…


Inline function in kotlin

In Kotlin, an inline function is a function modifier that suggests to the compiler to inline the function's code at the call site, instead of invoking the function as a…


Introduction to Clean Architecture

Why Clean Architecture ? Clean Architecture is a software design approach that emphasizes separation of concerns, promoting modularity, testability, and maintainability by organizing code into distinct layers with clear boundaries…